Friday 22 July 2011

The Mill in Cambridge


  We just got to the UK only two weeks before we decided to start venturing out on our own.  We were all getting a little bored of just sitting in our hotel room everyday!  So we took an adventure out to Cambridge.  Our only goals were to 1. Find the Town Center to Explore, and 2. Eat at a pub.  We didn't have a chance to go to any pubs since we got here, so the search was on.  Our expectations of what a pub should be like only came from movies, and local bars we had been to in the states.  We made it to Town Center and just started walking.  Eventually walking upon The Mill, so we stopped for lunch.  This pub was exactly what we had expected.  The Mill has a lovely view of the Cambs River, and has wi-fi!  The food was great, my husband and his friend who are Indian food lovers enjoyed their curry and nan bread.  I had their homemade broccoli and potato casserole and it was amazing.  They were even able to accommodate my children with some ham and mustard sandwiches.  With all that, and a couple of beers our lovely family of 4 was able to eat for about 30pounds.

14 Mill Lane

Street Map

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